Sunday, March 29, 2015

On the Road Again! (Not Really Though...)

Hey guys! Florence here.

Sorry I've been so inactive! It's Spring Break and I've been so busy visiting people and doing other fun things (aside from work here and there) that I've totally not even thought about blogging!

I've decided that I want nicer, more my age clothes, so I'm selling old clothes! Already today I've made $80! I'm so happy, I can't wait to make a trip to this amazing store called the Basement Marketplace, they have the best clothes and great bras and underwear for pretty amazing prices!

I got to actually spend some time with Patrick (I've missed him so much, it was nice cuddling him and watching Chopped and Kitchen Nightmares) and I also got to hang with Tay! Fergie was away on a cruise, but I'm glad she had so much fun! I'm ready to be reunited with my gals.

That's all for now! Blog again soon!

With Love,
Florence 🌻

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Part 2 of 4: Things That Make Me Happy

• Tay (friend)
• Jay-Z (friend)
• Fergie (friend)
• Patrick (boyfriend)
• Hayao Miyazaki Films
• Patrick's Artwork
• Books (of all sorts)
• Doctor Who
• Starkid Productions
• Clothes Straight From the Dryer
• Harmonizing While Singing w/Friends
• Kingdom Hearts
• Christmas Lights
• Elephants
• Dancing
• Soft Sheets
• Horses
• Geocaching
• Manga
• Anime
• The Cold Side of the Pillow
• Colorful Hair
• Singing Out of A Car Sunroof
• Long Drives w/Good Friends
• Disney

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Everything's Going My Way

Hello there friends!

Today, Patrick's brother is getting married! It's pretty exciting.
(Well, technically he's been married for almost a year, but only on paper; they haven't had the actual ceremony fun part yet)

So, I'm gonna dress up and look hella cute and all that crap. Not really crap though because I'm actually pretty happy about it. :)

I also recieved my new bluetooth keyboard (since I don't have a working laptop) so that's what I'm typing on right now! Pretty fun stuff for me because, let's face it, who even likes writing entire blog posts on a tiny phone screen? Answer: no one that I know. I'm pretty sure everyone finds it annoying. Especially with my phone lately; it keeps making typos and not fixing when I spell a word with one wrong letter and it's just frustrating. Only downside to this keyboard so far is that my quotation marks still don't turn like they're "supposed" to. Ugh.

Anyway, things really do seem to be looking up for me. I've only been sad because some things I've been thinking about and considering for my life... well, the answers I know I need to follow are not exactly what I want to hear. At least, not for all of them. I won't go into too much detail, but I think I might be back to being single within the month if things don't work out the way I'd like them to. On the bright side, I'm pretty sure I'm going to the Disney Program in Florida with Tay and Fergie in the Fall of 2016. I think that will be a really cool and exciting and new experience and I don't want to pass it up out of fear. I'm going to look into it more today and see what exactly it's all about. I'm also going to focus on saving my money so I CAN go with them when the time comes. When I have that budgeted out, then I'll start saving for a car, then for my (hopefully) future, month long trip to New Zealand!

I would write more, but I gotta go shower and get ready for that wedding. It's in like an hour!

Write later!

With Love,

Friday, March 20, 2015

Good Ol' Frick-Frack Is Up to It Again

Hey there!

As you all know from my second post ever about Frick-Frack, I cannot stand this person. It's getting tougher and tougher, I swear to GOD.

It's gotten so bad, like, I don't even hear the words coming out of her mouth when she's talking to me anymore and I always have to (sort of politely) ask her to repeat herself because I usually don't hear her the first or second time.

I was trying to find the freakin' nacho cheese and she, in all her attitude glory, told me they were on a shelf in the kitchen in a big box. Then she scoff-laughed. You know which one I'm talking about. The one where someone says something rude and then laughs at the end to try and soften the blow but it only comes out snottier.
Yea. That one.

Apparently, I seemed pretty irritated (because I WAS) because Audrey, my boss and sort of friend (?), followed me into the kitchen and was like "you can slap her if you want to". I started laughing because I didn't think it was so obvious! I mean, you would think if it was, she would take a damn hint!

Ugh. Frick-Frack is going to be the death of me.

Gotta go; have a book to read and a person to ignore while waiting for this movie to be over.

With Love,
Florence 🌻

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Ok, so, this is going to be another kinda serious post, but hopefully it's the last one for a while!

Here goes...

Dear Father,

I've grown and learned so much. I bet I'm nothing like you thought I would be. Then again, considering how much I'm supposedly like you, maybe I'm exactly how you pictured me turning out.

I still have my birthmark. I was supposed to get it taken off because a lot of people thought I should, but I happen to like it quite a bit. I didn't used to, and for a while I thought it was cancerous, but it isn't so I get to keep it.

I have my own sense of style. I write poetry more than songs, but I do both. I'm kind of a hippie though, just like my mom back when you guys were closer, so I picked that up from her. (Save the trees! Hahah) I'm a pretty great artist, and have loads of potential, but my passion is in writing more than drawing. Oh, and in music! I've been playing the violin for about... oh my god. 10 years now! I'm not great because I don't practice too much, but I'm definitely not terrible! I was always second chair to one of my good friends. I was also in marching band and played in the Drumline. My first year, I surpassed some who had been there for 3 and then was a section leader alongside my good friend my second year (Senior Year). I want to learn to play the drums because of it; like, in a drumset.
I would also love to be in a band since I love to sing as well. Oh well, that's a far reach, but I can dream!

I have a lovely boyfriend of 2 years, but my first boyfriend ripped my heart to pieces and to this day, nearly all the poetry I write is laced with bits of him. It really sucked, but I'm happy now with Patrick.

I don't live with my mom and dad anymore, I live with a roommate in a little house and we get along alright. I'm just messy and forgetful and she's the opposite, but we do ok as roomies. :)

I heard you moved to Tucson. That's a bit scary, but also cool because, hopefully, I can finally meet you sometime soon. I'm thinking I'm going to wait until I'm 21 later on this year before I start planning that out. (Yea, I'm gonna be 21. Even I can't comprehend it!)

To be honest, when I was younger, I was sad and a bit pissed that I didn't know you. I felt left out because, even though my brother and sister's father was a piece of garbage to my mom and to all of us, my brother and sister had a dad. I was always the outcast and the one who had to be the adult. But, when my mom met my dad, Rickey, she was so happy! When I changed my last name, I was happy too because I finally had someone who could help raise me and be the person I needed them to be. Hell, same went for all of us.

I don't blame you for anything. In fact, now that I'm older, I actually commend you. Instead of being truly selfish and trying to stick around and keep me because you "have rights" to me, you decided to give me up because you knew that's what was best. I don't know if that's true, but it's what mom told me so I think it's safe to assume she's telling the truth.

So, thank you. I would love to get together with you and just see what you're like and how we're alike. Mom says I talk with my hands and facial expressions the same way you do. I find that kind of funny since I don't know you, but hey, genetics are strange!

Anyway. I hope you're doing well. Maybe I'll see you soon and maybe we can start some sort of friendship between one another. I'm not angry and I don't feel like you need to be completely out of my life. Maybe it'll be great and we can meet up once in a while and just talk. Maybe it'll all go downhill and we decide not to speak anymore. Who knows?! Only way to find out is to get together and have a nice chat over some coffee or tea in some sort of cafe where there's a live band or poetry slam of sorts! (There's really no other way to do it! Jk)

Regardless, I wish you all the best and look forward to meeting you someday soon.

With Love,
Florence 🌻

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Part 1 of 4: Things That Make Me Happy

Autumn Temperatures
• Creek Trips
• Camping
• The Beach
• Concerts
• Snow
• Rain
• Clouds
• Music
• Broadway
• Playing My Violin
• My Rat, Hiyori
• My Brother and Sister
• Animals
• Horseback riding
• Finding New Places
• Writing
• Written Poetry
• Spoken Poetry
• Church Worship Services
• Boots for Adventuring
• Converse
• Soft Cotton Shirts
• Photography
• Tumblr

Monday, March 16, 2015

Reasons I Deserve to Be an Elf

Ok, let's be honest here, I'm a HUGE Lord of the Rings fan... and of The Hobbit. And ever since I was about 13, I've wanted to be an elf.
As unrealistic as that may sound, I have some very good cogent reasons as to why I deserve to be an elf.

Reason #1: I Have Really Good Balance
Of course, the only time such a talent fails me is when I don't need it. Sometimes om just standing and I'll start to tip sideways or something... but, need someone to run along a wall for you, jump into trees and scale steep hillsides and rocks for you? I'm your girl. And I do so quite smoothly, I might add. If I was trained by the elves, I'd probably be even better.

Reason #2: Quick Reflexes
That's right, I'm someone who can block or catch something flying at my face 9 out of 10 times. The time I don't is usually caused by Patrick because I let my guard down around him the most and sometimes he catches me by throwing little bits of trash at me and the like. (Playfully, not meanly; we get along quite well) If I was ever to get in a fight, I know I have a great chance at winning because I know where to hit people for weak spots and I would be able to dodge or use most of their attacks against them.

Reason #3: I Can Be Pretty Sometimes
I can hear you laughing over there, but I do have a kind of elvish/fairy kind of face. I'm small, so I guess the only thing I'm missing is some height, but other than that, I could fit the part. I love elvish clothing, and my hair is getting long enough to where I can do those cool braids in it. Also, if my ears were just slightly more pointed at the tops, I would have some pretty natural looking elf ears! On occasion, I dress up and do my hair, makeup, and wear cute jewelry.

Reason #4: When Taught, I'm Great With Weapons
If we're going to talk modern weapons, I'm quite good with a gun. But, when I was younger, my little brother got a hunting bow. I used that thing a lot. I was great at it too; hardly ever missed my target once j knew how to aim. What I want to learn next is how to use knives, and if I get good enough at it, I would love to buy some of "elvish" make and use them against fake opponents!
... Yes, I know, I'm a nerd, but you gotta dot it would be kinda cool!

Reason #5: The Places You Get to Live In Are Gorgeous
If you've seen any of the Lord of the Rings films, or of The Hobbit, you know just how beautiful elven places can be! And someone like me lives for beautiful places in nature!

Reason #6: I'm a Tree Hugger
In a sense, elves are too. They live in the forests and beauties of green places, they don't eat meat (right? Correct me if I'm wrong) and they have a higher sense of the earth around them.

Reason #7: Who Doesn't Want to Be an Elf?!
I mean, really! They're so freakin cool and graceful and gorgeous! I deserve this life! Hahaha!

Any of you ever feel the way I do? Leave a comment below if you wish!

With Love,
Florence 🌻

Sunday, March 15, 2015

I Found a Piece of Freedom

*Fair warning! If you're not religious or don't believe in anything higher than the human race, then maybe skip this post because I'll be posting again either later tonight or tomorrow I'm sure.*

Today, a guest speaker was at my boyfriend's church. We'll call him Patrick after Patrick Stump because he doesn't quite fit any male pop-singers I know.

Now Patrick had to help with Children's Church today, so I was left to listen to the guest speaker on my own. Usually I would've felt really awkward, and I did a little at first, but after a quick prayer before the message started, I felt less afraid of being alone and was ready to take notes and listen.

So, coolest bit, the guest speaker is a girl. We'll call her Stefani after Lady Gaga because her voice is INCREDIBLE. Stefani gets up to speak her message over us and I was moved from about 5 minutes in until she ended about 35 minutes later. I cried and my heart was softened. Stefani spoke of how she moved to another country and how she's been travelling all over Brazil to spread the love of God and to tell others about Jesus. She spoke of all the incredible miracles that happened when they prayed over these people who had never heard of Jesus before, of the good hearts of those who were working and helping her, of everything. I was so happy and so moved and it was tough because I had been slowly drifting away from my faith for the past 2 years. Not to the point of not believing, I've always believed in God and Jesus and everything! But my personal spiritual walk had been failing.

After service was over, and a group of people got done thanking and saying hi to Stefani, I went up and spoke to her for about 10-15 minutes about how her message totally spoke to my heart. I told her about my depression/anxiety and how, even though it's not terrible or anything, it has still hindered me from doing certain things over the years that it's really kicked in. She prayed with me twice (once during service, but the other was when I spoke to her) and she asked for my email so she could send me some scriptures to meditate on and gave me solid advice on how to move forward in my calling for God.

I just feel so much freer and my heart doesn't feel so heavy! I've found a piece if freedom in my life today, and I can't wait for the next steps.

Have any of you ever had an encounter like this before? Or, even if not spiritually, you just found a piece of freedom and life that came out if nowhere and blessed you? Let me know in the comments! Or if you need some prayer, let me know about that too; I will pray for you.

With Love,
Florence 🌻

Friday, March 13, 2015

To Be a Nightowl in A Small Town

So, ever since I was about 16, I've become someone who stays up really late.

Sometimes this is because I simply stay duo too late or slept in too much from the night/morning before. But, even though this is when I tend to do my best work for writing and art and the like, there are also some definite downsides to being a nightowl.

#1: Unless You Have Friends Who Are Also Nightowls, You're the Only One Awake
This has happened to me on a number of occasions. Most of my friends are either early birds naturally, or they're forced to be because of school. As for me, early is about 8:30 or 9 because I'm usually up until 2 or 3 in the morning. What sucks is if my thoughts start getting dark, everyone is asleep and the one person I know I could call (let's call him Zayn because, let's face it, he's still attractive to me) is the only person I can't and shouldn't call.
Moving on.

#2: You Tend to Want to Go Walk Somewhere, But If You're Female, Forget It.
Like, seriously, there's this cool place in town I love to go near our local train tracks. I actually used to go with Zayn when we were younger, before things got messy, and I always have this sense of freedom whenever I'm near or on the tracks. We used to go together really late and sometimes my brother or sister or another friend would tag along. Nowadays I sometimes still feel the urge to go there and feel the wind on my face,to feel dangerous and free and alive. But, because I'm a woman, going alone sucks. Referring back to numero uno, my friends are usually sleeping and it's like 1am and I know if I go, I'll get jumped or something. Bad idea.

#3: If You're Like Me, Your Thoughts Wander Too Far and Too Deep
I have dark days, but mostly I'm alright. It's alright night though that the darkness feels more like a breathing thing that sometimes feels like it's going to crack me open from the inside. I know that sounds HELLA depressing, but anxiety and depression is something I have to deal with every day. I'm not saying this for pity, it's just simply fact. I'm not in too deep; I need meds and a consistent Journaling system, especially in poetry, but for the most part I'm fine. Late night, I usually write great poetry and read good books and have deep, life questioning and wondering thoughts. But, again, the downside is if the thoughts begin to take over my sanity and I just can't sleep.

#4: Sleeplessness
I don't think I need to say more than that.

Anyway, the point is, I love being a nightowl, but at times, I wish I had a friend who was also one with me.

Are any of you like this? If so, please let me know! Maybe we can talk to one another some late night!

With Love,
Florence 🌻

Twist, Twist, Twist, Twist, Quesadilla, Hot Sauce!

I tried to be clever by changing the words from Hairspray... if you caught that, kudos!

Today started so slowly at work, and I was sleepy most of the morning. This girl was up all night trying to fix a fancy new DVD/Blu-ray player with a 2007 flat screen that's already verging on death. Exaggeration? It really actually isnt.
My roommate, Carly Rae and I, spent close to 2 and a half hours working this stupid thing.
Did we get it to work? Yes. Would I do it again? Hell to the nah.

Back to today! Because of last night's dvd player endeavors, I was pretty sleepy this morning. So I get up and go to work and my best friend Jay-Z (who's actually a girl, but she said that's what she wanted to be called, so that's what she is) and I probably shouldn't work together! We get far too hyper and distracted and laugh at practically everything, but I don't care because I love her and she makes time go by a bit faster.

Later on, I actually got lucky enough to get off my shift early, so I go to my parents and get everything together, get gas, and head out to get Tay and Fergie.

Right off the bat, we're all in kinda "meh" moods. (I blame this on the weather which was gloomy today) Rainy days are usually my thing though, just people were being lame.
Lucky for me, I had a Playlist of the w975, which I reserve for road trips and cloudy/rainy days.

After we were all piled in, we drove the hour drive to our practice and we sang a bit, but mostly we talked. Tay and I were having some throwbacks, both good and bad, and just plain memories out into the cloudy skies, laughing and huffing and being the strange people we are! (Fergie was busy writing almost the whole way there, so she was shockingly quiet...)

We finally make it with 30 minutes to spare, so we head for a Taco Bell. What do we order? Cinnamon Twists, quesadillas, and (for me) a couple of soft tacos. The lady we spoke to and who took ou order was hella cool and didn't charge Tay for her cinnamon twists! But we were all laughing because I used a fake name for my order and then we were laughing because we're just dumb and Fergie was saying she was getting turned on by how Tay was eating her twists!
I also may have made a joke about entering Taylor because there's a city named Taylor that we passed into so... I was bad about that.
Then, Tay decided to be brave and try a twist with a little dab of mild taco bell sauce. Fergie and I totes thought she was crazy, but she dove right in!
Surprisingly, it's a pretty good combination! Almost like sweet and sour chip things or something like that...
Definitely give that a try next time you guys are at a Taco bell! It was pretty good!

We made it to practice a little late, but in the end, we had a fairly smooth run-through of both plays and got out of practice about 15 minutes early.

Have any of you guys ever tried a weird food or made a crude joke like we did? Comment below, I'd love to hear about them and have a few laughs!

I'll probably be writing again later today or tomorrow, so keep a look out!

With Love,
Florence 🌻

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Back With A Vengeance... But Not Really

Florence here! I'm back.

Ok, so here's the gig. I'm back early because I feel a need to blog about this and just might need some feedback.

I have this coworker. Let's call her... I don't even know what to call her because she's that annoying. Which concludes that she must be her own type of annoying. We'll call her Frick-Frack.

So miss Frick-Frack over here is apparently into me or something. Normally stuff like that doesn't bother me; I'm not homophobic in the slightest. What does bother me is how she's always, ALWAYS in my personal space and she consistently touches me and watches me when I'm doing something.
Normally, could I handle someone like this?
Then what makes this situation so different, you ask?
Let me tell you.

It's just the way she does things; the way she talks. It's like, she'll do something and then be like, "guess what?!" And I'm over here like, yea, I know what you did, I just watched you do it. But instead I have to be like "What." I hate that. Also, she's the kind of person who has to one-up you on everything. Like, her life is always worse, or she's always much more tired. Even if you're not really complaining, like if someone is like "what's wrong?" And you just go, "Oh I'm just tired, no biggie". Frick-Frack will be there to frack up your day.

I just don't know how to deal with her and I hardly ever have space bubble issues because I'm a very open person. But this girl, she just gives me the willies. We're not even friends, just co-workers. Like, girl, back up out my bubble, or I'll have to let my little self punch you right in the jugular! (Quote from Taylor)

Do you guys know how to deal with people like this? Give me some advice if you'd like down in the comments below! Going to try and make it through the rest of my shift with Frick-Frack...

With Love,
Florence 🌻

I've Been to the Year 2000...

Hello everyone, my name is Florence!
(Yes, as in Florence + the Machine)

I'm here to talk about my life and all its ups and downs in a place where I feel I can be myself and not have to worry about people casting their negativity down on my poor, unfortunate soul... just kidding.
But really, this is going to be my safe zone.

So, as you're all probably wondering about why I've named the title what it is, let's just say, me and my girls had a throwback Tuesday.

I'm involved in this one play about Grecian women who take over Congress (pretty badass in my opinion). Usually, on our way to practice my two best friends and I jam out to Broadway/Musical stuff. Yes, we're those kinds of nerds.

Slight introduction here:

Taylor - she's a major theater nerd, lives her life through plays and musicals and broadways, and has a very adorable sense of style. She's been a very good friend of mine for a long time and we love to share our writings with one another. She can also be quite sassy and doesn't take crap from hardly anyone! She has a beautiful, almost Anna Kendrick type voice, and I love her to pieces.

Fergie - this girl gets DOWN. She's loads of fun and is as self-confident as she is loyal. Not only does she NEVER take crap from any one person, but she's got some acting talent and a great sense of humor. She's also not afraid to have some road-rage moments, which has rubbed off on Taylor and just added fuel to my own fires... hahaha!

Anyway, this time on our way to practice, we jammed out to music from the early 2000's. Needless to say, it was hella awesome and I took many endless snapchats of our ridiculousness. We're talkin' OLD stuff for people like me who were born in the early 90's and had classic pop songs and clubbin' songs when we were Jr. High Schoolers! It was so fun and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but with my girls and just singing at the top of our lungs, not too many cares except for a good time.

This is also why I've decided that, to keep personal lives a bit more private, I've given us all aliases after musicians (mostly pop artists because that's the mood we were in and, trust me, the ones I've picked totally fit).

Moving onto play practice now. We pull in, no one suspects a thing and then.... BAM! In we walk, in all our glory, slow walkin' and flipping our smooth silky hair out of our faces... looking like goddesses...

Nah, I'm just kidding! Usually we pull in and run inside because it's freezing outside and if we don't hurry, our boobs might freeze off. No one wants that. And, we tend to have our hair in ponytails, braids, or buns by now because, who has time to look nice? One, maybe two of us sometimes do, but not always...

Anyway! So, we make ourselves comfortable and in comes Mr. Funny Diva himself: Joe. Now, I'm talking Joe Jonas because not only is he cute, but he KNOWS he's cute, which makes him dangerous. I can't say I'm entirely actually attracted to him though, I have my own man. But the other girls... I dunno, I just don't think they can help themselves. Especially Fergie; I tend to see her sharpening her little steak knife in the corner.
(Ok, that sounded bad, but it's just an inside joke, really!)
Also, this guy is hilarious. He does great in comical theater and it makes it hard for us to keep a straight face most times! I cat say how many snapchats I've taken of this guy just making a fool of himself! It's the greatest!

Now Joe makes his way over and starts Hella flirting with Fergie. She's all giggles and smiles while me and Taylor look on in slight worry. We know that Joe tends to be a major flirt and then says he isn't and continues his girl hopping. I'm not entirely involved because, again, I'm taken, but he definitely flirts with Taylor. I don't know what it is about us 3 that he finds so fascinating but, apparently we're gorgeous or something! Oh wait... just kidding. (Not really, we're actually smokin' hot)
Joe is sweet and all, but he honestly reminds me of too many past boys I've had to deal with. And really, who doesn't like a funny guy?

Hahaha but really, I'm not sure where I'm going with this. Consider it an introduction to what the rest of this blog will be about. I have to get going or I'll be late to work, but hang in there! I'll be posting again tomorrow with new stories and new people to introduce to you!

With Love,