Monday, March 16, 2015

Reasons I Deserve to Be an Elf

Ok, let's be honest here, I'm a HUGE Lord of the Rings fan... and of The Hobbit. And ever since I was about 13, I've wanted to be an elf.
As unrealistic as that may sound, I have some very good cogent reasons as to why I deserve to be an elf.

Reason #1: I Have Really Good Balance
Of course, the only time such a talent fails me is when I don't need it. Sometimes om just standing and I'll start to tip sideways or something... but, need someone to run along a wall for you, jump into trees and scale steep hillsides and rocks for you? I'm your girl. And I do so quite smoothly, I might add. If I was trained by the elves, I'd probably be even better.

Reason #2: Quick Reflexes
That's right, I'm someone who can block or catch something flying at my face 9 out of 10 times. The time I don't is usually caused by Patrick because I let my guard down around him the most and sometimes he catches me by throwing little bits of trash at me and the like. (Playfully, not meanly; we get along quite well) If I was ever to get in a fight, I know I have a great chance at winning because I know where to hit people for weak spots and I would be able to dodge or use most of their attacks against them.

Reason #3: I Can Be Pretty Sometimes
I can hear you laughing over there, but I do have a kind of elvish/fairy kind of face. I'm small, so I guess the only thing I'm missing is some height, but other than that, I could fit the part. I love elvish clothing, and my hair is getting long enough to where I can do those cool braids in it. Also, if my ears were just slightly more pointed at the tops, I would have some pretty natural looking elf ears! On occasion, I dress up and do my hair, makeup, and wear cute jewelry.

Reason #4: When Taught, I'm Great With Weapons
If we're going to talk modern weapons, I'm quite good with a gun. But, when I was younger, my little brother got a hunting bow. I used that thing a lot. I was great at it too; hardly ever missed my target once j knew how to aim. What I want to learn next is how to use knives, and if I get good enough at it, I would love to buy some of "elvish" make and use them against fake opponents!
... Yes, I know, I'm a nerd, but you gotta dot it would be kinda cool!

Reason #5: The Places You Get to Live In Are Gorgeous
If you've seen any of the Lord of the Rings films, or of The Hobbit, you know just how beautiful elven places can be! And someone like me lives for beautiful places in nature!

Reason #6: I'm a Tree Hugger
In a sense, elves are too. They live in the forests and beauties of green places, they don't eat meat (right? Correct me if I'm wrong) and they have a higher sense of the earth around them.

Reason #7: Who Doesn't Want to Be an Elf?!
I mean, really! They're so freakin cool and graceful and gorgeous! I deserve this life! Hahaha!

Any of you ever feel the way I do? Leave a comment below if you wish!

With Love,
Florence 🌻

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