Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Back With A Vengeance... But Not Really

Florence here! I'm back.

Ok, so here's the gig. I'm back early because I feel a need to blog about this and just might need some feedback.

I have this coworker. Let's call her... I don't even know what to call her because she's that annoying. Which concludes that she must be her own type of annoying. We'll call her Frick-Frack.

So miss Frick-Frack over here is apparently into me or something. Normally stuff like that doesn't bother me; I'm not homophobic in the slightest. What does bother me is how she's always, ALWAYS in my personal space and she consistently touches me and watches me when I'm doing something.
Normally, could I handle someone like this?
Then what makes this situation so different, you ask?
Let me tell you.

It's just the way she does things; the way she talks. It's like, she'll do something and then be like, "guess what?!" And I'm over here like, yea, I know what you did, I just watched you do it. But instead I have to be like "What." I hate that. Also, she's the kind of person who has to one-up you on everything. Like, her life is always worse, or she's always much more tired. Even if you're not really complaining, like if someone is like "what's wrong?" And you just go, "Oh I'm just tired, no biggie". Frick-Frack will be there to frack up your day.

I just don't know how to deal with her and I hardly ever have space bubble issues because I'm a very open person. But this girl, she just gives me the willies. We're not even friends, just co-workers. Like, girl, back up out my bubble, or I'll have to let my little self punch you right in the jugular! (Quote from Taylor)

Do you guys know how to deal with people like this? Give me some advice if you'd like down in the comments below! Going to try and make it through the rest of my shift with Frick-Frack...

With Love,
Florence 🌻

1 comment:

  1. I personally believe that you should take this Taylor chicks advice. She obviously knows what she is doing.
