Sunday, March 15, 2015

I Found a Piece of Freedom

*Fair warning! If you're not religious or don't believe in anything higher than the human race, then maybe skip this post because I'll be posting again either later tonight or tomorrow I'm sure.*

Today, a guest speaker was at my boyfriend's church. We'll call him Patrick after Patrick Stump because he doesn't quite fit any male pop-singers I know.

Now Patrick had to help with Children's Church today, so I was left to listen to the guest speaker on my own. Usually I would've felt really awkward, and I did a little at first, but after a quick prayer before the message started, I felt less afraid of being alone and was ready to take notes and listen.

So, coolest bit, the guest speaker is a girl. We'll call her Stefani after Lady Gaga because her voice is INCREDIBLE. Stefani gets up to speak her message over us and I was moved from about 5 minutes in until she ended about 35 minutes later. I cried and my heart was softened. Stefani spoke of how she moved to another country and how she's been travelling all over Brazil to spread the love of God and to tell others about Jesus. She spoke of all the incredible miracles that happened when they prayed over these people who had never heard of Jesus before, of the good hearts of those who were working and helping her, of everything. I was so happy and so moved and it was tough because I had been slowly drifting away from my faith for the past 2 years. Not to the point of not believing, I've always believed in God and Jesus and everything! But my personal spiritual walk had been failing.

After service was over, and a group of people got done thanking and saying hi to Stefani, I went up and spoke to her for about 10-15 minutes about how her message totally spoke to my heart. I told her about my depression/anxiety and how, even though it's not terrible or anything, it has still hindered me from doing certain things over the years that it's really kicked in. She prayed with me twice (once during service, but the other was when I spoke to her) and she asked for my email so she could send me some scriptures to meditate on and gave me solid advice on how to move forward in my calling for God.

I just feel so much freer and my heart doesn't feel so heavy! I've found a piece if freedom in my life today, and I can't wait for the next steps.

Have any of you ever had an encounter like this before? Or, even if not spiritually, you just found a piece of freedom and life that came out if nowhere and blessed you? Let me know in the comments! Or if you need some prayer, let me know about that too; I will pray for you.

With Love,
Florence 🌻


  1. There have been many speakers that have moved me ( I've gone to a lot of youth conferences in the past year) but one thing that inspired me today was during church while my priests gave his holily ( a little talk about the daily scripture and what ever he feels is relevant). He talked about how many people are trying to figure out who they are and that the only place you should look to find that answer is in God. I was touched by this and it was kind of freeing to hear it . I have heard this message before but I had forgotten. I've one of those people searching for the answers in all the wrong places. " how to be happier " , " how to know if he's the on" etc. I've lost touch with my spirituality for the past months and I've felt enslaved by routine . I have been trying to get back into my faith but It just hasn't quite hit me. I've hoped preparing for Easter could strengthen my relationship with the lord. I think prayer and patience are the answer for me right now. Sorry this was long but you'll be in my prayers.

    1. That's do inspiring to hear! I know how you feel, but it's always so freeing and wonderful to be called back and grow stronger in the Lord! Thank you for your comment!

  2. Gosh. There's so many times that the Lord has picked me up. Ninth grade was a big year for me, but honesty Junior year was probably the biggest time he has lifted me up. It never fails me how awesome our God is and I thank him for giving me each and every day. Inknow once he spoke out to me in ninth or tenth grade, but recently he woke me up at 4 in the morning just to have an emotional heart to heart with each other. I can't really say anything else except for the fact that I love him. :)

    1. Good to hear! Loving God is always a great thing and I'm glad to hear that He has helped pull you through tough times, and even happier to hear you've had a close heart to heart like that!
      Thank you for your comment :)
