Saturday, March 21, 2015

Everything's Going My Way

Hello there friends!

Today, Patrick's brother is getting married! It's pretty exciting.
(Well, technically he's been married for almost a year, but only on paper; they haven't had the actual ceremony fun part yet)

So, I'm gonna dress up and look hella cute and all that crap. Not really crap though because I'm actually pretty happy about it. :)

I also recieved my new bluetooth keyboard (since I don't have a working laptop) so that's what I'm typing on right now! Pretty fun stuff for me because, let's face it, who even likes writing entire blog posts on a tiny phone screen? Answer: no one that I know. I'm pretty sure everyone finds it annoying. Especially with my phone lately; it keeps making typos and not fixing when I spell a word with one wrong letter and it's just frustrating. Only downside to this keyboard so far is that my quotation marks still don't turn like they're "supposed" to. Ugh.

Anyway, things really do seem to be looking up for me. I've only been sad because some things I've been thinking about and considering for my life... well, the answers I know I need to follow are not exactly what I want to hear. At least, not for all of them. I won't go into too much detail, but I think I might be back to being single within the month if things don't work out the way I'd like them to. On the bright side, I'm pretty sure I'm going to the Disney Program in Florida with Tay and Fergie in the Fall of 2016. I think that will be a really cool and exciting and new experience and I don't want to pass it up out of fear. I'm going to look into it more today and see what exactly it's all about. I'm also going to focus on saving my money so I CAN go with them when the time comes. When I have that budgeted out, then I'll start saving for a car, then for my (hopefully) future, month long trip to New Zealand!

I would write more, but I gotta go shower and get ready for that wedding. It's in like an hour!

Write later!

With Love,

1 comment:

  1. That's exciting! I'm happy for you. The future is a mystery but I believe yours will be bright. Live your life and take those chances. :)
