Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tattoos & Video Games

Good morning everyone!

I figured since I was really behind on blog posts, I'd spoil you guys with another one just several hours after my last one! Whaaaat?

Moving onto the topics at hand, let's begin with tattoos.

Last Monday, my best friend Jay-Z and I went to get tattoos as a late birthday present to her because we were both too busy on her actual birthday about a week and a half before. Needless to say, even though it was my second tattoo, I was still really super nervous. I hate needles, of any kind, and I'm not good with putting myself in pain on purpose. Can I handle totally buffing it off a bike and skinning my knees and elbows all to hell? Yes. Can I handle getting flu shots or tattoos? Nope. But I prefer tattoos, and I like tattoos, so I just deal with it.

I got a Kingdom Hearts tattoo (freaking surprise, like I'm not the nerd I am and like I don't have a tattoo in elvish across my shoulder, whatever) and my friend got the Simba that's drawn on the tree in the Lion King.

I found this kind of funny considering how it was my cousins first tattoo as well, but he got his like 4 and a half years ago.

Anyway, I was literally amazed at how well she did. Both of my tattoos were all tiny and only one had color but she went all in! Size, tons of shading and coloring, the whole shabang. I could only applaud her inwardly because man, she did way better than I would have!

After that whole endeavor, we went clothes shopping and went to a really cool reptile store and held a beautiful Bermese Python named Sheba. It was a fun time!

Now, onto video games.

As you can tell by my recent tattoo, my favorite game series probably ever is Kingdom Hearts. I refuse to sell my PS2 because that's how I play KH 1 & 2. Nearly 2 years ago, 2 years ago, us fans got a teaser trailer for KH3. And recently, the word is that it might be coming out in February next year.

Like we haven't waited long enough?! I mean, come on! Cut us some slack guys, I'm dying over here!

I can't say I'm joking too much, because I really do want the game. I'm to a point where I'll slap down all my cash for a PS4 and the pre-order of the game whenever they actually release it!

Are any of you guys into tattoos or video games? If so, tell me about it, I would love to see what we might have in common!

With Love,
Florence 🌻


  1. I also don't like needles and my mom would kill me if I got a tattoo ( one Tattoo covered daughter is enough for her. I'm expected to be "the good one" among my two other siblings). But I have always fantasized about getting a tattoo. Probably something like a music note , A treble cleft / bass cleft heart or an infinity sign that says " Be strong, believe". Something like that.

    1. That would be really cool! I say just get one where you can hide it. Both of mine are, for the most part, hidden nearly all the time. I waited until I had moved out of my parents house before getting mine though because, my house, my way. :P if you get one someday, let me know; I'd love to see it!
