Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Stress is Too Real

Hello guys.

We are now down to the final countdown [insert music here] for my play.

Today was one of the hardest, longest days of my life.

I have been balancing on the edge of being sick for about a week now. It was worse today probably because my room was way too cold last night and because of, well, stress.

Let's just say, I nearly lost both my jobs today due to the scheduling of the play. I was a crying mess because, let's be honest, I don't have the TIME to find a new job within the next couple weeks.

I am quitting one of my jobs in about 4 weeks, I just can't be there anymore, but the other one said they would work something out for me and that everything would be fine. (Thank God)

I'm still stressed out because, duh, the play is next weekend and how is that all gonna play out (see what I did there? Eh, eh?).

That's all I can really say right now, but just keep me in your thoughts and prayers because I am beyond my emotional limits right now.

If any of you guys are as well, let me know; I'll send you some kind and encouraging words!

With Love,
Florence 🌻

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