Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Women in Togas!

Hey everyone! It's been quite a long time!

So, if you've been reading my blog, you know that I've been going to practices for my play. This last weekend, we finally, finally performed it.

Needless to say, it was quite fun, slightly hectic, exhausting, but well worth it. I was really truly sad to pack everything away and say my goodbyes to the people that had become like family to me. Though, once the semester is over, we plan on having another get-together and eating lots of food and probably drinking a fair amount of alcohol (because there's only like, 6 or 7 of us and why not) and playing board games and having musical/Disney karaoke.

Back to the topic at hand though, lots of people turned out, many laughed, and as expected, there was one performance that was just full of an awkward crowd that... really, didn't laugh at all. Quite strange, that was.
My sister kept telling me how cute I looked and I had to laugh because our Togas were made of plain, colored sheets. How... special? *laughs*

I don't know quite what else to say, but there was a lot of singing, a lot of random party time, a lot of frustration, and a lot of laughing. I enjoyed every moment and I can't wait to audition for another play/Musical in the near future!

With Love,
Florence 🌻

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Stress is Too Real

Hello guys.

We are now down to the final countdown [insert music here] for my play.

Today was one of the hardest, longest days of my life.

I have been balancing on the edge of being sick for about a week now. It was worse today probably because my room was way too cold last night and because of, well, stress.

Let's just say, I nearly lost both my jobs today due to the scheduling of the play. I was a crying mess because, let's be honest, I don't have the TIME to find a new job within the next couple weeks.

I am quitting one of my jobs in about 4 weeks, I just can't be there anymore, but the other one said they would work something out for me and that everything would be fine. (Thank God)

I'm still stressed out because, duh, the play is next weekend and how is that all gonna play out (see what I did there? Eh, eh?).

That's all I can really say right now, but just keep me in your thoughts and prayers because I am beyond my emotional limits right now.

If any of you guys are as well, let me know; I'll send you some kind and encouraging words!

With Love,
Florence 🌻

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tattoos & Video Games

Good morning everyone!

I figured since I was really behind on blog posts, I'd spoil you guys with another one just several hours after my last one! Whaaaat?

Moving onto the topics at hand, let's begin with tattoos.

Last Monday, my best friend Jay-Z and I went to get tattoos as a late birthday present to her because we were both too busy on her actual birthday about a week and a half before. Needless to say, even though it was my second tattoo, I was still really super nervous. I hate needles, of any kind, and I'm not good with putting myself in pain on purpose. Can I handle totally buffing it off a bike and skinning my knees and elbows all to hell? Yes. Can I handle getting flu shots or tattoos? Nope. But I prefer tattoos, and I like tattoos, so I just deal with it.

I got a Kingdom Hearts tattoo (freaking surprise, like I'm not the nerd I am and like I don't have a tattoo in elvish across my shoulder, whatever) and my friend got the Simba that's drawn on the tree in the Lion King.

I found this kind of funny considering how it was my cousins first tattoo as well, but he got his like 4 and a half years ago.

Anyway, I was literally amazed at how well she did. Both of my tattoos were all tiny and only one had color but she went all in! Size, tons of shading and coloring, the whole shabang. I could only applaud her inwardly because man, she did way better than I would have!

After that whole endeavor, we went clothes shopping and went to a really cool reptile store and held a beautiful Bermese Python named Sheba. It was a fun time!

Now, onto video games.

As you can tell by my recent tattoo, my favorite game series probably ever is Kingdom Hearts. I refuse to sell my PS2 because that's how I play KH 1 & 2. Nearly 2 years ago, 2 years ago, us fans got a teaser trailer for KH3. And recently, the word is that it might be coming out in February next year.

Like we haven't waited long enough?! I mean, come on! Cut us some slack guys, I'm dying over here!

I can't say I'm joking too much, because I really do want the game. I'm to a point where I'll slap down all my cash for a PS4 and the pre-order of the game whenever they actually release it!

Are any of you guys into tattoos or video games? If so, tell me about it, I would love to see what we might have in common!

With Love,
Florence 🌻

Monday, April 13, 2015

Train-Stop Karaoke!

Have you guys ever had a song hit you so hard with nostalgia and soul and memories and shit that you just GO FOR IT? And I mean really go for it when you start singing?

Yea, that is EXACTLY what happened last week.

So there we were, me, Fergie, and Tay, driving home from practice. One again (this seems to have become quite normal for us now) we are having throwback jam sessions. Our Pandora station has been 2000s Hip Hop for about 3 weeks now. Do we have shame? Absolutely... not. In fact, it's our new favorite. Which, apparently, is a problem or even scary to some folk.

We pull up to this train stop and had to wait for about 10 minutes there. We are seriously singing and dancing out the car windows to, wait for it.....
Bye Bye Bye. An NSYNC* classic.

Y'all know it's goin' down.

Sure enough, we're getting it on with our skills and a van pulls up next to us. Keep in mind, we ALL have our windows down and we are ALL singing at the top of our lungs while dancing (which probably looked more like we were trying to shake bugs off our arms, legs, and hair, but who the heck cares!?).

We don't think too much of it at first as that one song ends. We know the van is there, we just don't really mind. Then, that one song comes on. No one can resist this song, at least for the first verse and chorus.
A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton.

Oh yea baby!

So that's when we notice the hipster Jesus guy. Who is now hanging out the window of the van next to us with a look that can only be described as fear with a dash of possibly awe. Naturally, we all start cracking up, but we keep Jammin because, come on, it's THE SONG.

I kid you freakin' not, I swear I saw a camera flash. It was the most hilarious 10 minutes of my life at that train stop.

All I could say after we rolled our windows back up, crossed the tracks, and continued our drive home was, "Can you guys just imagine the story he's going to tell his friends and family?".

Anyway, what I want to say is, aside from this being absolutely hilarious (no, it seriously was, oh my god), is this:

Don't let fear of being judged stop you from doing something you love. I love my girls Tay and Fergie, and I love my road trips with them, especially when we're all singing our hearts and throats out like we were. I wasn't afraid of what the guy next to us thought because I was so in the moment. That's what life should be. It's hard not to worry, not to think "well shit, what am I even doing with my life" because EVERYONE has had those thoughts! But when you take life by moments like these, the kind that make you life, it makes it ok. Take baby steps, do what you love, and let your roads unfold. Be the one who freaks out hipster Jesus at a train-stop, make others around you question who you are and how you could be so fearless because you're just so in that moment.

Love you all, sorry that was so cheesy and inspirational and junk, but I hope you guys liked it!
Write again tomorrow!

With Love,
Florence 🌻


Hello everyone!

It has been ages and ages and I'm so sorry! As you can tell by the title, it has been a crazy week; in fact, a crazy couple of weeks. Literally. Our play is next weekend, I am freaking out, ohmygod.

I kept telling myself I would write another post, but I just didn't get around to it! For now, how about I just post this tiny little apology and hope that you guys will still read my posts!

Love you all!
- F